He insists, however, that he did not do anything to summon the undead, despite the arlessa's claims. Jowan will tell the Warden that he used the guise of tutoring Connor to poison Arl Eamon, and that Loghain directed him to do so in exchange for amnesty (Jowan being a condemned blood mage). Talking to him garners some information about what is happening in the castle, as well as codex entries on apostates and blood magic if they weren't previously unlocked. After this fight, you find Jowan (former colleague of the magi Warden) in a cell. Inside the windmill, opposite the entrance to this secret passage, is a chest containing an Injury Kit and a Love Letter for Correspondence Interruptus.Īfter using the secret passage, open the first door to three enraged corpses waiting to attack. Teagan agrees to go, but gives the Warden his Signet Ring for secret access to the castle's basement. Ultimately, she tries to bring Bann Teagan to the castle, alone. Connor is somehow afflicted, and Isolde claims she was allowed to leave to find him help in the village. Most within the castle have been killed, but the arl and arlessa, their son Connor and the mage are still alive. The mage was discovered and captured, but the evil is beyond control. Warning: Leaving the village for a different location on the World Map (not including Party Camp) before defending the villagers will mark either quest as failed.Īfter the undead have been fought off, Arlessa Isolde will join the Warden and Bann Teagan in a cut-scene providing some information on what is happening in the castle.Īccording to Isolde, Redcliffe Castle has been invaded by an "evil force" released by an infiltrator - a mage paid by Loghain to poison Arl Eamon. If you choose to help Redcliffe, the next steps involve preparing for an imminent attack, and eventually fighting off the undead.

If you travel elsewhere in Ferelden before finishing The Attack at Nightfall, Redcliffe Village will be wiped out, and empty when you return (Bann Teagan will still be in the chantry, however). This quest requires more "follow-through" than most others.